African Media Barometer (AMB) Blog

Young woman on desktop office setting
04.12.2023 | Blog

Freedom of Expression in a Digital Era: Eastern Africa Perspectives

One of the indicators of a healthy media landscape is how people exercise their freedom of expression. The internet and digital technologies provide...


The intersection of digital poverty and information disorders in Zimbabwe
09.11.2023 | Blog

The intersection of digital poverty and information disorders in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's August 2023 harmonised election paved the way for emerging digital rights issues where people without access to reliable internet and media...


Journalism in the Shadow of Power
17.07.2023 | Blog

Journalism in the Shadow of Power

The following observations and comments are based on experiences in several African countries and, more recently, on the print media in Zambia.


07.06.2023 | Blog

Broader education on media policy needed for student and working journalists to unlock ethical practice: the South African experience

In South Africa, media law and ethics education for journalists is lacking, as is ethical media practice.


Image Credit: Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
05.06.2023 | Blog

How Disinformation Deepens Hate among Nigerians

The term ‘disinformation’ is receiving significant global attention primarily because of the risks it poses to almost every sector, from health and...


24.05.2023 | Blog

Data bundle price hikes limit access to information in Tanzania, too.

Despite the impact of technology in increasing access to information, many sub-Saharan African governments limit access to information and information...


16.05.2023 | Blog

The nexus between internet freedom and media freedom: an African outlook

According to ITU (2021) Facts and Figures, internet use in Africa between 2019 and 2021 increased by 23%, with young people (40%) more likely to be...


Union solidarity for a stronger press
11.05.2023 | Blog

Union solidarity for a stronger press

Had my disgruntled colleague not mentioned how much she earned, emphasising how low the figure was against the editorial legwork we had to do, I would...


Image credit: Tufts Career Centre – Tufts University
29.03.2023 | Blog

The cost of investigative journalism

There is journalism, and then there’s investigative journalism. I believe the latter is a journalism genre that requires one to possess a specific...


26.01.2023 | Blog

A Long-Awaited Freedom of Information Act for Mauritius. But When?

Since the independence of Mauritius in 1968, the media of the island - both print and broadcast - have been key actors in building a peaceful and...



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Maya Kotungondo

The views expressed and conclusions made in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of fesmedia Africa, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), or the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA).

fesmedia Africa

95 John Meinert Street
P.O. Box 23652
Windhoek, Namibia
