All Publications

This section comprises all of our publications. It therefore provides an overview of the topics we work on.

 A new deal for journalism in Africa - Part 1

Phamodi, Sekoetlane

A new deal for journalism in Africa - Part 1

Three pillars for bringing platforms to pay fair value for public interest journalism
Windhoek, 2022

Download publication (120 KB, PDF-File)

Digital rights are human rights

Bussiek, Hendrik

Digital rights are human rights

An introduction to the state of affairs and challenges in Africa
Windhoek, 2022

Download publication (100 KB, PDF-File)

Baromètre des médias africains

Baromètre des médias africains

Cotonou, 2022

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African media barometer

African media barometer

Cotonou, 2022

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African media barometer

African media barometer

Bamako, 2022

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Baromètre des médias africains

Baromètre des médias africains

Bamako, 2022

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African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Zambia 2021
Zambia, 2021

Download publication (2,8 MB, PDF-File)

Making ICT Policy in Africa

Power, Michael; Singh, Avani

Making ICT Policy in Africa

An introductory handbook
Windhoek, 2021

Download publication (3,4 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Zimbabwe 2020
Windhoek, 2021

Download publication (740 KB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Burkina Faso 2019
Windhoek, 2021

Download publication (1,7 MB PDF-File)

MISA transparency assessment 2020

MISA transparency assessment 2020

The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (2,3 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Madagascar 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Tanzania 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

Kipimo cha vyombo vya habari barani Afrika

Kipimo cha vyombo vya habari barani Afrika

Uchambuzi wa ndani ya nchi wa mandhari ya vyombo vya habari barani Afrika ; Tanzania 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Nigeria 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (580 KB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Mozambique 2018
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (1,6 MB PDF-File)

Direito á informação em África

Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (1,5 MB PDF-File)

Direito á informação em África

Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (1,1 MB PDF-File)

Direito á informação em África

Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (6 MB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

The first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Benin 2018
Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (880 KB, PDF-File)

fesmedia Africa

95 John Meinert Street
P.O. Box 23652
Windhoek, Namibia


African Media Barometer

African Media Barometer

Our flagship African Media Barometer provides a home grown analysis of the health of the media landscape across 31 countries in Africa. More



fesmedia Africa has teamed up with international experts to develop online courses to support Access to Information in Africa. More

Issue Papers

Issue Papers

Read our latest Issue Papers. More