Our latest News

24.05.2023 | Blog

Despite the impact of technology in increasing access to information, many sub-Saharan African governments limit access to information and information…


16.05.2023 | Blog

According to ITU (2021) Facts and Figures, internet use in Africa between 2019 and 2021 increased by 23%, with young people (40%) more likely to be…


11.05.2023 | Blog
Union solidarity for a stronger press

Had my disgruntled colleague not mentioned how much she earned, emphasising how low the figure was against the editorial legwork we had to do, I would…


29.03.2023 | Blog
Image credit: Tufts Career Centre – Tufts University

There is journalism, and then there’s investigative journalism. I believe the latter is a journalism genre that requires one to possess a specific…


26.01.2023 | Blog

Since the independence of Mauritius in 1968, the media of the island - both print and broadcast - have been key actors in building a peaceful and…


15.12.2022 | Blog

Broadly, Zimbabwe’s media landscape has been governed by a highly restricted framework and this has spurred interest in the use of social media…


29.11.2022 | Blog
Credit: Freedom House

It was during the COVID-19 pandemic in November, 2020—a cold evening, at our graduation ceremony for the 3rd cohort of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung…


25.11.2022 | Blog

We live in an era where the effects of globalisation are felt by literally every country on the planet. Globalisation and technological innovations…


23.11.2022 | Blog

World over, media freedom is an essential pillar of democracy. A sacred institution that is responsible for informing the citizens of the successes…


The Southern African experience


fesmedia Africa

95 John Meinert Street
P.O. Box 23652
Windhoek, Namibia


African Media Barometer

African Media Barometer

Our flagship African Media Barometer provides a home grown analysis of the health of the media landscape across 31 countries in Africa. More



fesmedia Africa has teamed up with international experts to develop online courses to support Access to Information in Africa. More