African Media Barometer Chad

In Chad, there is fear of expression because the country is emerging from a very long period of dictatorship. Furthermore, the ignorance about individual rights prevents some citizens of exercising their freedom of expression. In the public media, some information considered sensitive (that related to the national security, for instance) is not broadcast unless authorized by management. Auto-censorship and lack of professionalism prevents some journalists from broadcasting some information that they consider compromising. The freedom of expression in N’Djamena is more accepted. In most cities and local provinces threat from traditional, administrative and military authority prevents journalists and people in general from expressing themselves freely.

Some citizens, though educated and informed about it, refuse to exercise their right of freedom of expression due to individual interests (access to posts and secure positions, etc…). Some journalists working for the public media think their «public servant status» first, thus promoting government opinion and censuring other trends and opinions. Out of election period, opposition parties organize few activities and are unable to mobilize public media as much as the ruling party due to lack of finance. Because of this the opinion of the ruling party prevails in the public media.


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African Media Barometer

African Media Barometer

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