African Media Barometer Tanzania

Tanzania is one of few countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the press is predominantly presented in the official and national language of the country (known as Swahili). The constitution provides for freedom of speech, but self-censorship is often practiced as a result of the state's intimidation on journalists, which hinder critical reporting. Tanzania is undergoing significant legal change with the recent passage of two laws - the Cybercrimes Act and the Statistics Act – which were rushed through the Parliament early in 2015.

Other draft laws which are likely to negatively impact the media environment, such as the Media Services Bill and the Access to Information Bill, remain pending. The mainland and Zanzibar have separate media policies. Islanders can pick up broadcasts from the mainland and read the mainland Tanzanian press. Entry into journalism is not restricted by law in Tanzania. However, journalists needing state access require press cards, which are issued to ‘accredited’ journalists by the Information Services department and such journalists must be accredited by a particular media house or have proof of relevant qualifications.

There is no statutory protection of confidential sources of information for journalists and access to information is not legally guaranteed while information held by state authorities and public institutions is not easily accessible to citizens. On a positive note, the increased use of social media in recent years has provided a new platform for journalists and members of civil society to express themselves more freely on various issues. According to the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA), there are 26 television stations in the country and 84 radio stations as well as a growing number of cable and subscription television operators. Men are still more visible in the Tanzanian media than women, while working conditions and remuneration remain poor.


African media barometer

African media barometer

A home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Tanzania 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

Kipimo cha vyombo vya habari barani Afrika

Kipimo cha vyombo vya habari barani Afrika

Uchambuzi wa ndani ya nchi wa mandhari ya vyombo vya habari barani Afrika ; Tanzania 2019
Windhoek, 2020

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Tanzania 2015
Windhoek;Bonn, 2015

Download publication (930 KB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Tanzania 2012
Windhoek, 2013

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Tanzania 2010
Windhoek;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (1,1 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Tanzania 2008
Windhoek, 2013

Download publication (2,3 MB PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Tanzania 2006
Windhoek, 2013

Download publication (140 KB, PDF-File)

African Media Barometer - Tanzania

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Kipimo cha vyombo vya habari barani Afrika

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African Media Barometer

African Media Barometer

Our flagship African Media Barometer provides a home grown analysis of the health of the media landscape across 31 countries in Africa. More



fesmedia Africa has teamed up with international experts to develop online courses to support Access to Information in Africa. More